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Welcome Claygate residents and friends to the Claygate Village Association website. Here you can find out more about the association, our projects, and news from around the village. 

Local events

No events at the moment

About CVA


Claygate Village Association is a non-political charity that is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the character and amenities of Claygate for the public benefit. It promotes high standards of development and environmental improvements and organises social and cultural activities to encourage community engagement.


We rely on volunteers and work with other village organisations and local councils to make things happen. All residents of Claygate are members and we welcome suggestions and offers of help.


Since its formation in 1946 the Association has fought off controlled street parking as well as undesirable roads and developments, improved several public areas, successfully campaigned for two conservation areas and a Parish Council and organised many community events, including 7 Music Festivals.


Currently we organise Claygate in Bloom, Claygate Christmas Lights, the Open Gardens and Get Involved Day.


Recent wide-spread concern about the proposal to build a supermarket in Torrington Lodge car park led us to set up the ‘Claygate can do Better’ subcommittee to gather opinions of residents about the lack of consultation by Elmbridge BC for this development. Our petition resulted in the supermarket proposal being withdrawn.


We accept that the site should be developed and are continuing our community engagement in order to discuss other options with a new initiative ‘Claygate: The Way Forward’

Get in Touch

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