2nd August 2023
Torrington Lodge Car Park (“TLCP”) – “CLAYGATE CAN DO BETTER!”
Residents may be aware, that Claygate was notified via Facebook by the leader of Elmbridge Borough Council (“EBC”), of the intended development of TLCP with a new M&S “anchor” store, emergency housing and a number of car parking spaces in July 2023.
As a result, many will have attended the Claygate Parish Council meeting as part of the 200+ strong crowd on Friday 21st July 2023 where very serious concerns were raised by residents about the secrecy, the lack of due process or consultation and above all what appeared to be a lack of thought around the options that could or should be considered for the development of TLCP.
Following that meeting, The Claygate Village Association (“CVA”) have met a number of times and have formally created and convened a working group under the CVA to:
Conduct their own detailed consultation of all small business owners on the Parade who are likely to feel any impact from the development (good or bad)
Investigate the “process” to date and decision making by the EBC and CPC, and encourage lessons to be learned for the future
To engage with EBC and CPC to encourage them to pause this “process” while as many local residents’ and small business owners’ views are credibly obtained
To engage, inform and enable action where necessary from within the community
The CVA believe that CLAYGATE CAN DO BETTER! and a new web-site has been launched at where new information will be posted and your views can be heard.
We would encourage you to sign up (below) so that you will receive email updates from this forum.
Thank you